Step 4: Now we will use an application Display Alerts which is used for showing the alert message if the chosen path is incorrect. The full form of XML is eXtensible Markup Language which is much like an HTML file, is designed to store and transport the data from different programs. It is easy for humans to read (when formatted properly) and, because of the universal structure, it is very easy and fast for machines to parse and generate. In layman’s terms, it is a string of text that represents a universal data structure. We do not plan to fix or add new features to the default JSON serializer, since it handles a lot of cases already and when you need to handle more complex objects, please consider using alternative JSON. It is very simplistic and doesn't handle advanced scenarios in many cases.
The default JSON serializer uses the forked version of SimpleJson.Jednocześnie, z łatwością odczytują go i generują komputery. Zapis i odczyt danych w tym formacie jest łatwy do opanowania przez ludzi. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) jest prostym formatem wymiany danych.